At St Vincent de Paul Primary School we are committed to supporting all students to achieve their full potential. We strive towards developing teaching and learning processes and practices that are engaging and inclusive of students with diverse learning needs.
The Learning Diversity Leader works collaboratively with School Leaders and Teachers to identify and assess students who require additional assistance in their learning. These students may present with cognitive, physical, sensory, behavioural and/or social emotional difficulties. Data is used to inform the needs of students so that educational adjustments and specific interventions can be implemented (NCCD)
Personalised Learning Plans (PLP), Behaviour Support Plans (BSP) and Adjustment Proformas (AP) are developed and implemented to support these students, enabling ongoing monitoring and review of individual goals, adjustments and intervention.
Consultation and collaboration with parents takes place through regular discussions and Program Support Group (PSG) meetings. PSG meeting members include the Principal, Learning Diversity Leader, Classroom Teacher/s, Learning Support Officer, parents and external professionals, when required. This communication enables the school and families to work together towards the same goal, to improve student outcomes.